Wordle: calledd

The students in one of my groups were striving to do a test and several students kept asking me “¿Profe que quiere decir kashed? En el diccionario no está”. (What they meant to say was called; by writing kashed I’m trying to give you an idea of how they pronounced it, you know) Many of them did not find the word because, OMG!, they were not looking it up as call, and of course called is not there.

Coincidentally, on the same day, I went to Wordle and copied and pasted a text I am using with another group and it turns out called was the second most common word in that particular text! There it was, as big as beautiful.

So, Wordle served as a tool for detecting a word that was very common on a text but had gone unnoticed by me (twice on the same day!)